Stop Half-Assing Your Goals (Where Energetics Meets Physical Health)

I’ve been ruminating on how the heck to better explain health energetics to you without complicating it or oversimplifying it.

As I was mapping out my week in my planner on Sunday, I had a big realization which led to the perfect way of sharing with you just how to energetics of health really work.

There’s a small “notes” section in my planner that I NEVER use. But earlier in the evening, I had decided on an intention for the week that I decided to write down in the notes section: Give 100% of what I have into whatever I am doing.

Here’s what I mean:

  • Coaching session with a client? Give 100%.

  • Connecting with my friend? Showing up 100%.

  • Washing dishes? Give 100%. Even to chores.

Romanticizing your life has become a wellness trend. And while I think it’s great to light candles and make everything feel like an “event”, I think people forget that there is so much more to romance than crafting a dreamy scene.

To me, true romance involves wholehearted presence.

And wholehearted presence to romanticize your life means giving 100% to whatever you have to whatever you are doing.

(And notice to start I said 100% of whatever you have. Because some days you may only have 40% to give, so it may look like giving 100% of 40%).

As I wrote this down, something clicked in my spirit that made me literally say out loud OH DAMN, HOLY SHIT.

Let’s backtrack a little.

A few days before, I had been talking to a friend about limiting beliefs in business. We were talking about half-ass-ing our business as a means to play it safe. One foot in, one foot out because if it doesn’t work out, there’s always that excuse of, “Well, I only tried with one foot in”. And it’s not just business.

I’ve been half-ass-ing my jobs, ready to jump ship the next moment a “better” opportunity arrives. Partially because I’ve been “career searching” since my culinary career was derailed, and partially because I’ve been hoping my business works out enough to quit these jobs I continually search for.

I’ve been half-ass-ing my master’s program (well, maybe 3/4th’s-assing), learning everything I need to but not committing to creating a schedule and routine that helps me thrive in a program versus just survive.

And, I’ve been half-ass-ing my business. Partially because of the excuse mentioned above, but more so because I’ve had an underlying fear of “what if”. What if my Lyme flares and I can’t keep up with the membership content? What if no one signs up, so all this work is for nothing? What if only 2 people sign up, is that enough to continue?

The debilitating “what ifs” that hold us back from moving forward with anything.

Meanwhile, in the same week, I also started physical therapy for recurring nerve pain in my back hip/glute area. I’ve experienced this on and off for about two years and I decided I cannot let it continue any longer — it bumps me out of my exercise routine, makes my commute and work days uncomfortable, etc.

The physical therapist said it is a damaged ligament in my left glute. Because of this, there is significantly less muscle definition (she had me literally put a hand to each butt cheek and feel the difference, and WOW if my right side isn’t way more bumping than the left ). Loss of muscle could have created the damage due to overcompensation, OR the damage could’ve caused muscle loss due to overcompensation. We’re not sure, but we are sure my left glute has some catching up to do.

You may already be able to see where this is going…

Flash forward to writing my intention for the week down of putting 100% into whatever I am doing. As I wrote that, a lightbulb went off in my head and I literally said out loud to myself, WOW.

Giving 100% means putting my whole ass into things.

And for years, I’ve been half-ass-ing things and carrying them along. Meanwhile, the Universe was getting louder and louder with each nerve flare-up, trying to bring awareness to this message, until it was so loud I finally took my ass to PT.

So while I’m half-ass-ing in life, my body was quite literally shifting itself to be half-ass-ed.

THIS is what I mean when I try to teach on energetic manifestations of belief systems, choices, and actions.

If you aren’t acting in alignment with your soul, the Universe will often let us know through our bodies.

If we don’t get quiet enough to listen, or we don’t tune into our body and spirit enough to hear, it will get louder and louder until we cannot ignore it.

It is then we can dive deeper into the energetic healing, alongside the physical healing.

Now that I am in full awareness, I can more directly work on the energetic healing around the belief systems, choices, and actions that lead to me half-ass-ing my life while simultaneously doing the physical therapy exercises to work on the physical strength of my glute.

Because while I heavily believe in nutrition, lifestyle, genetics, and physical healing as important factors for health and healing, the energetic side of things is too impactful to ignore (after all, the placebo effect exists for a reason).

This is what I mean about doing energetic work in our health coaching sessions. We figure out the connections and we navigate the healing, together.


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